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"Chemistry - The science of substances , their structure , their properties and the reactions that change them into other substances." - by Linus Pauling. Chemistry is at the centre of many sciences, providing the fundamental knowledge and tools needed to address many of society's needs and to explore the unknown. Field as diverse as genetic engineering and nanotechnology look to chemistry when they look to the future , for that is where the ultimate in understanding the molecular level - resides. Chemistry plays an integral role in today's scientific endeavours. In this new and inspiring era , chemistry has gained enormous heights glorified with its immense contributions in medicine , biology , engineering. Pharmaceuticals , material science etc. Includes: 1.To propagate higher education in Chemistry. The quality of education would focus on concepts and their applications and modeling of different phenomenon in domains of physical, chemical and biological sciences. 2.To enhance interactions with National level Academia/Research Institutions to provide opportunities to students to carry out quality research and academics. 3.To provide wider job opportunities through academic and industry interactions. 4.To strengthen Instrumentation Centre facility to start skill based courses and to cater to the needs of Academia and Industry. 5.To start courses in medicinal chemistry, cosmetic science, and address problems related to energy and environment. About: The Department of Chemistry is committed in preparing competitive and professional post graduates and researchers, having sound knowledge of basics and applied chemistry for the betterment of society. The department also commits for strong interaction with industry for national and international impact. Goals 1.To enhance the quality of chemistry education through interactions with industry. 2.Encourage the students of 1st generation of learners for understanding of basics and applications of chemistry. 3.To provide training for students appearing for competitive exams SET/NET/Others. Enhancing services to community.